Since we started our own factory till now, 13 months has passed. And at the beginning, our factory is about 2000 square meters. The boss was thinking that the space was too big and we should ask someone to share with us. After one year’s development and new project’s import, we had a great development and found that our production can’t satisfy the market requirement. To improve the production, we should do the parts process ourselves. Then where to put the CNC machines. In June, the boss finally decided to use the present space for development and it is to build a second floor. then the warehouse, factory office, half making material can be moved onto the second floor. Now it has been finished and it is about 700 square meters. Because of the spare increase, we have our own showing room, where the customer can test their samples. And our technician also can do the samples testing there. Here some pictures below for your reference.

Post time: Aug-02-2024